MySQL with Node.js MySQL with Node.js mysql mysql

MySQL with Node.js

Check out the node.js module list

node-mysql looks simple enough:

var mysql      = require('mysql');var connection = mysql.createConnection({  host     : '',  user     : 'bob',  password : 'secret',});connection.connect(function(err) {  // connected! (unless `err` is set)});


var post  = {id: 1, title: 'Hello MySQL'};var query = connection.query('INSERT INTO posts SET ?', post, function(err, result) {  // Neat!});console.log(query.sql); // INSERT INTO posts SET `id` = 1, `title` = 'Hello MySQL'

node-mysql is probably one of the best modules out there used for working with MySQL database which is actively maintained and well documented.

Since this is an old thread just adding an update:

To install the MySQL node.js driver:

If you run just npm install mysql, you need to be in the same directory that your run your server. I would advise to do it as in one of the following examples:

For global installation:

npm install -g mysql

For local installation:

1- Add it to your package.json in the dependencies:

"dependencies": {    "mysql": "~2.3.2",     ...

2- run npm install

Note that for connections to happen you will also need to be running the mysql server (which is node independent)

To install MySQL server:

There are a bunch of tutorials out there that explain this, and it is a bit dependent on operative system. Just go to google and search for how to install mysql server [Ubuntu|MacOSX|Windows]. But in a sentence: you have to go to and install it.