neo4j performance compared to mysql (how can it be improved?) neo4j performance compared to mysql (how can it be improved?) mysql mysql

neo4j performance compared to mysql (how can it be improved?)

I'm sorry you can't reproduce the results. However, on a MacBook Air (1.8 GHz i7, 4 GB RAM) with a 2 GB heap, GCR cache, but no warming of caches, and no other tuning, with a similarly sized dataset (1 million users, 50 friends per person), I repeatedly get approx 900 ms using the Traversal Framework on 1.9.2:

public class FriendOfAFriendDepth4{    private static final TraversalDescription traversalDescription =          Traversal.description()            .depthFirst()            .uniqueness( Uniqueness.NODE_GLOBAL )            .relationships( withName( "FRIEND" ), Direction.OUTGOING )            .evaluator( new Evaluator()            {                @Override                public Evaluation evaluate( Path path )                {                    if ( path.length() >= 4 )                    {                        return Evaluation.INCLUDE_AND_PRUNE;                    }                    return Evaluation.EXCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE;                }            } );    private final Index<Node> userIndex;    public FriendOfAFriendDepth4( GraphDatabaseService db )    {        this.userIndex = db.index().forNodes( "user" );    }    public Iterator<Path> getFriends( String name )    {        return traversalDescription.traverse(             userIndex.get( "name", name ).getSingle() )                .iterator();    }    public int countFriends( String name )    {        return  count( traversalDescription.traverse(             userIndex.get( "name", name ).getSingle() )                 .nodes().iterator() );    }}

Cypher is slower, but nowhere near as slow as you suggest: approx 3 seconds:

START person=node:user(name={name})MATCH (person)-[:FRIEND]->()-[:FRIEND]->()-[:FRIEND]->()-[:FRIEND]->(friend)RETURN count(friend)

Kind regards


Yes, I believe the REST API is significantly slower than the regular bindings and therein lies your performance problem.