See what storage engine MySQL database uses via terminal See what storage engine MySQL database uses via terminal mysql mysql

See what storage engine MySQL database uses via terminal

This is available in a few places.

From the SHOW CREATE TABLE output.

mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE guestbook.Guestbook;+-----------+-------------------------------------------+| Table     | Create Table                                                                                                                                                                   |+-----------+-------------------------------------------+| Guestbook | CREATE TABLE `Guestbook` (  `NAME` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',  `MESSAGE` text NOT NULL,  `TIMESTAMP` varchar(24) DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 |+-----------+-------------------------------------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)

From information_schema

You may also find it in information_schema.TABLES if you want to query the engines of multiple tables.

SELECT ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLESWHERE  TABLE_NAME='yourtable'  AND TABLE_SCHEMA='yourdatabase';


return the engines your MySQL database support and tell you which is the default one if not otherwise specified at creation time.

A database on MySQL can use multiple storage engines, so you'll have to check per-table. Simplest is to do

show create table yourtable;

and see what the 'engine' line at the end of the DDL statement is. e.g. engine=InnoDB, engine=MyISAM, etc...

If you want to check all the tables in your DB:

select TABLE_NAME, ENGINEfrom information_schema.TABLESwhere TABLE_SCHEMA='yourdbname'