Testing an Entity Framework database connection Testing an Entity Framework database connection mysql mysql

Testing an Entity Framework database connection

Are you just wanting to see if the DB connection is valid? If so take a look at the

using (DatabaseContext dbContext = new DatabaseContext()){     dbContext.Database.Exists();}


and for checking if a server machine is up, DB server or web services server , try this:

public PingReply Send( string hostNameOrAddress )


The solution as @Danilo Breda pointed out is to call the DbContext.Database.Connection.Open()

It is tested with EF6.

My implementaion:

    public static bool CheckConnection()    {        try        {            MyContext.Database.Connection.Open();            MyContext.Database.Connection.Close();        }        catch(SqlException)        {            return false;        }        return true;    }

In EntityFramework Core you can simply call: Database.CanConnect();.

(using EF Core 2.2.1)

Summary: Determines whether or not the database is available and can be connected to.

Note that being able to connect to the database does not mean that it is up-to-date with regard to schema creation, etc.