301 Redirect Specific Pages in Nginx BEFORE Redirecting Entire Domain/Catch All 301 Redirect Specific Pages in Nginx BEFORE Redirecting Entire Domain/Catch All nginx nginx

301 Redirect Specific Pages in Nginx BEFORE Redirecting Entire Domain/Catch All

The directives of the rewrite module are executed in order, so the entire process can be accomplished with rewrite and return directives alone, without wrapping them within location blocks. For example:

server {    ...    rewrite ^/old-path/ https://www.newdomain.com/newpath/ permanent;    rewrite ^/...       https://www.newdomain.com/.../     permanent;    return 301          https://www.newdomain.com$request_uri;}

If you wrap the rewrite statements within location blocks, then the return statement must also be wrapped within a location block. For example:

location / {    return 301 https://www.newdomain.com$request_uri;}location /old-path/ {    rewrite ^ https://www.newdomain.com/newpath/ permanent;}