413: FULL head when pushing to Mercurial repository behind Nginx 413: FULL head when pushing to Mercurial repository behind Nginx nginx nginx

413: FULL head when pushing to Mercurial repository behind Nginx

The problem is the header buffer of the application server, this is because of mercurial uses very big headers. You have to increase the size of the header buffer and this application server specific. In case you are using the standalone version, you have to edit the server-config.xml and increase the requestHeaderSize value.


<Set name="requestHeaderSize">16384</Set>


<Set name="requestHeaderSize">32768</Set>

Source: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/scmmanager/Afad4zXSx78

I had HTTP Error: 413 (Request Entity Too Large) on my attempt to push. Resolved by adding client_max_body_size 2M; to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. Wondering if maybe 1000M doesn't exceed the client_max_body_size...