Can nginx do TCP load balance with SSL termination Can nginx do TCP load balance with SSL termination nginx nginx

Can nginx do TCP load balance with SSL termination

Nginx can act as L3/4 balancer with stream module:

Because SSL still tcp - Nginx can proxy SSL traffic without termination.

Also stream module can terminate SSL traffic, but it's optional.

Example 1: TCP tunnel for IMAP over SSL without SSL termination

stream {    upstream stream_backend {        server;        server;    }    server {        listen 993;        proxy_pass stream_backend;    }}

In this case, SSL termination processed by backend1/2.

Example 2: TCP tunnel for IMAP with SSL termination.

stream {    upstream stream_backend {        server;        server;    }    server {        listen 993 ssl;        proxy_pass stream_backend;        ssl_certificate        /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt;        ssl_certificate_key    /etc/ssl/certs/server.key;    }}

In this case traffic between nginx and backend1/2 unencrypted (IMAP 443 port used).

Example 3: Receive unencrypted and encrypt it

stream {    upstream stream_backend {        server;        server;    }    server {        listen 443;        proxy_pass stream_backend;        proxy_ssl  on;        proxy_ssl_certificate     /etc/ssl/certs/backend.crt;        proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/certs/backend.key;    }}

So, clients connect to our nginx without SSL and this traffic proxed to backend1/2 using SSL encryption.