centos install nginx error : requires libunwind.so.8()(64 bit) [closed] centos install nginx error : requires libunwind.so.8()(64 bit) [closed] nginx nginx

centos install nginx error : requires libunwind.so.8()(64 bit) [closed]

I ran into the same problem today. @Nika Archvadze's answer fixed the problem for me, but it's been downvoted, I suppose because it's a bit sparse.

Anyway, probably a good idea to start with

yum update


yum install yum-utils

will install the yum-config-manager package.then

yum-config-manager --enable cr

will enable the continuous release repository, which is probably already installed, but if not you can install it like this before enabling it

yum install centos-release-cr

Now you will have access to the libunwind package, which is in the continuous release repository, so you should just be able to

yum install nginx

without any problems

yum -y install yum-utilsyum-config-manager --enable cryum -y install nginx

The package is available in the Centos 7 Continuous Release (CR) Repository. once enable the cr repo able to complete the installation with out any issue.

Following is the command to enable the cr repository.

#yum-config-manager --enable cr

Source: https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/85814/juno-installation-error-returned-1-error-package-gperftools-libs-24-5el7x86_64-epel/