Change Apache .htaccess file to be used with Nginx Change Apache .htaccess file to be used with Nginx nginx nginx

Change Apache .htaccess file to be used with Nginx

Here's a tool I use:

It is not 100% accurate but it's pretty good base

Also, here's a link about converting the rules:

This one can help a little:


The file name should be nginx.conf

Nginx does not have support for .htaccess files.

But .htaccess files are bad. It's a way to put parts of the apache configuration erverywhere on the filesystem and to tell apache to check the filesystem at every request to see if you do not have some special configuration in place.The only real usage of .htaccess file is to delegate a small part of the configuration to the user if you are a host provider and wanted to allow some web server configuration for your users.

Nginx configuration is compiled when nginx restart. Of course you can include several files that you can put in your web directory if you really do not care about information disclosure problems (like users seing your web server configuration), but having the same thing as a .htaccess, read each time a request is done, is not in the nginx way.

You can't do this. You shouldn't. If you need .htaccess, you're probably doing it wrong.

Look at here:

server {      server_name;      rewrite ^(.*)$1 permanent;  }  server {      listen 80 default_server;      listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;      root /home/user/www/domain1;      index index.php index.html index.htm;      server_name;      include hhvm.conf;      }