Chef::Exceptions::ChecksumMismatch when installing nginx-1.7.8 from source Chef::Exceptions::ChecksumMismatch when installing nginx-1.7.8 from source nginx nginx

Chef::Exceptions::ChecksumMismatch when installing nginx-1.7.8 from source

The nginx cookbook requires you to edit the checksum attribute when using another version of nginx. The remote_file resource that is causing you an error is:

remote_file nginx_url do  source   nginx_url  checksum node['nginx']['source']['checksum']  path     src_filepath  backup   falseend

You need to update the checksum value. Specifically node['nginx']['source']['checksum'].

So in your JSON, you would add this line:

"source": {"checksum": "insert checksum here" }

Edit: As pointed out in the comments, the checksum is SHA256. You can generate the checksum of the file like so:

shasum -a 256 nginx-1.7.8.tar.gz