Consistent Hashing to a Dynamic Set of Servers Based on TCP Payload Consistent Hashing to a Dynamic Set of Servers Based on TCP Payload nginx nginx

Consistent Hashing to a Dynamic Set of Servers Based on TCP Payload

In the HAProxy 2.1 can you use aes_gcm_dec(...) in combination with req.payload(...) for such a requirement.

My idea, untested.

listen tcp-in  bind :443 ssl cert   tcp-request inspect-delay 10s  tcp-request session set-var(sess.routingkey) req.payload(0,500)  # for consistent hashing try this  hash-type consistent wt6  use_backend %[var(sess.routingkey),aes_gcm_dec(128,txn.nonce,Zm9vb2Zvb29mb29wZm9vbw==,txn.aead_tag)]

Here are also the links to the html Documentation.
hash-type consistent ... is described at hash-type