container running on docker swarm not accessible from outside container running on docker swarm not accessible from outside nginx nginx

container running on docker swarm not accessible from outside

Ran into this same issue and it turns out it was a clash between my local networks subnet and the subnet of the automatically created ingress network. This can be verified using docker network inspect ingress and checking if the IPAM.Config.Subnet value overlaps with your local network.

To fix you can update the configuration of the ingress network as specified in Customize the default ingress network; in summary:

  1. Remove services that publish ports
  2. Remove existing network: docker network rm ingress
  3. Recreate using non-conflicting subnet:
    docker network create \    --driver overlay \    --ingress \    --subnet \ # Or whatever other subnet you want to use    --gateway \    ingress
  4. Restart services

You can avoid a clash to begin with by specifying the default subnet pool when initializing the swarm using the --default-addr-pool option.

docker service update your-service --publish-add 80:80

You can publish ports by updating the service.

Can you try this url instead of the ip adres? host.docker.internal so something like http://host.docker.internal:80