Docker build fails at npm install Docker build fails at npm install nginx nginx

Docker build fails at npm install

As mentioned in the comment, add a step in the docker file to copy the package-lock.json file over to the destination.

The reason why it works on your local machine is because package-lock.json tells npm exactly which versions to install. For example, Typescript is listed as ^4.1.3 in package.json. In your local machine, it could have been installed as exactly 4.1.3 (check your package-lock.json) file. However, in the production machine, it might have installed version 4.2.1 or something. So even though you listed 4.1.3, it actually pulls in a higher version because of the ^ prefix, which means you are good with having higher minor and patch versions installed. Therefore, you might be expecting 4.1.3 or whatever version it is on your local machine, the production server might have installed a much newer version because it did not refer to the package-lock.json file that's created in your local machine.

Check out what ^ and ~ means here in this answer - What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?