Docker wordpress/ nginx-proxy / nginx-proxy-companion - lets encrypt auto renewal - update image and restart? Docker wordpress/ nginx-proxy / nginx-proxy-companion - lets encrypt auto renewal - update image and restart? nginx nginx

Docker wordpress/ nginx-proxy / nginx-proxy-companion - lets encrypt auto renewal - update image and restart?

What I would suggest is to spin up a new set of containers on a different server, and to copy the content of the current volumes.
The upgrade of the nginx-proxy-companion container shouldn't affect the one with wordpress, but you want to be sure everything is compatible.
Once you have all the new versions on the new server, and you verify they work as expected, you either keep that and abandon the old one, or you update the image for the companion on the old server.

P.S.: I hope the password in the pasted yaml aren't the ones actually in production

The document has option to provide URL, set env variable as suggested.

The ACME_CA_URI environment variable is used to set the ACME API endpoint from which the container's certificate(s) will be requested (defaults to