Dokku domains:add <app> <domain> returns unsupported vhost config found. disabling vhost support Dokku domains:add <app> <domain> returns unsupported vhost config found. disabling vhost support nginx nginx

Dokku domains:add <app> <domain> returns unsupported vhost config found. disabling vhost support

If you didn't fill in the HOSTNAME option on initial setup of dokku you'll run into your current problem. The VHOST file has yet to be created causing the current error.

To remedy this we have to create the missing VHOST file and populate with your domain name. First SSH into your droplet and run the following (Depending on your permissions you may require sudo to create and edit the VHOST file)

cd /home/dokkutouch VHOSTchmod 0755 VHOST# Use your editor of choice nano, vim etc. # to add your hostname to VHOST file, eg.

Now for each app we're going to need to trigger a rebuild of the nginx.conf file. To do this run dokku nginx:build-config myapp for each app.

Note: Deleting the app's dir from /home/dokku/myapp and redeploying will also have the same effect but will require you to re-link other containers e.g. db plugins.

If everything has gone smoothly running dokku domains myapp should now ouput in your terminal

=====> myapp Domain

You now should be able to remove and add domains for your app successfully using the dokku domains commands

See this answer also for reference