Example for several (fastcgi/uwsgi/scgi/proxy_pass) Mojolicious apps in the same nginx virtual host? Example for several (fastcgi/uwsgi/scgi/proxy_pass) Mojolicious apps in the same nginx virtual host? nginx nginx

Example for several (fastcgi/uwsgi/scgi/proxy_pass) Mojolicious apps in the same nginx virtual host?

Since you haven’t got an answer, I’ll give a correct, but entirely half-baked and code-free, solution. Check the Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook for nginx and Plack deployment. Mix this with Plack::Builder for deploying multiple applications on the same server. I’d go with Starman as the server engine probably but that is up to you and your specific needs.

That’s basically it. Sorry I don’t have code for you but that should do exactly what you want once you get through each step; the docs are good and can be supplemented with blog posts from various Perl devs.

see also the Mount Plugin which allows you to add one mojolicious app within another