HHVM outputs status code 200 on fatal errors and I can't use fastcgi_next_upstream because of that HHVM outputs status code 200 on fatal errors and I can't use fastcgi_next_upstream because of that nginx nginx

HHVM outputs status code 200 on fatal errors and I can't use fastcgi_next_upstream because of that

I fixed this by injecting custom error handler for hhvm.

My index.php for wordpress:

<?php/** * HHVM outputs http status: 200 OK even on fatal errors. * Catch fatal errors on HHVM and put right response code. *///Is this HHVM?if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) {  set_error_handler('catch_fatal_error_hhvm',E_ERROR);}function catch_fatal_error_hhvm() {  http_response_code(500);  die();}// WordPress view bootstrapperdefine('WP_USE_THEMES', true);require(dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php');