How to access the file written on docker container volumes and share the URL to client side using NGINX How to access the file written on docker container volumes and share the URL to client side using NGINX nginx nginx

How to access the file written on docker container volumes and share the URL to client side using NGINX

Did you try mounting your /opt/AHD directory with the /opt/AHD directory inside the container?

Please take a look at this page:

In the sample configuration here, look at the volumes section

// lets you add docker volumes (optional). Can be used to// store files between app deploys and restarts.volumes: {  // passed as '-v /host/path:/container/path' to the docker run command  '/host/path': '/container/path',  '/second/host/path': '/second/container/path'},

you can use this. Just add another line

'/opt/AHD/': '/opt/AHD'

This would mount a specific directory on your machine to a specific directory on the container. This would result in the container writing the files to your machine's directory from where you can use NGINX to move ahead.