How to deny with 404 on nginx How to deny with 404 on nginx nginx nginx

How to deny with 404 on nginx

error_page 403 404 /404.html;location = /404.html {    internal; #return 404}location /admin/ {    uwsgi_pass myupstream1;    include /path/to/uwsgi_params;    allow;    deny all;}

The 'internal' returns 404 by default.

Adapted from this answer here

A more elegant way is to create a custom error page. In that page instead of showing http error code, you can specify a custom message.

Name an error page

error_page 403 =404 /40X.html;    location /admin/ {        uwsgi_pass myupstream1;        include /path/to/uwsgi_params;        allow;        deny all;      }    location /40X.html {    root path/to/public;    }

In your 40x.html you can write any message

<html><body> The requested resource is not available </body></html>

place this 40x.html in your path/to/public directory

You can use "rewrite" instead of "deny all"

location /admin/ {    uwsgi_pass myupstream1;    include /path/to/uwsgi_params;    #allow;    #deny all;    rewrite ^/admin/(.*)$ /404.php?id=$1;}

Put 404.php into the root of your domain (eg _http:// or change"path/to/file/404.php?id=$1"