How to deploy an HTTPS-only site, with Django/nginx? How to deploy an HTTPS-only site, with Django/nginx? nginx nginx

How to deploy an HTTPS-only site, with Django/nginx?

For the 2nd part of John C's answer, and Django 1.4+...

Instead of extending HttpResponseRedirect, you can change the request.scheme to https.Because Django is behind Nginx's reverse proxy, it doesn't know the original request was secure.

In your Django settings, set the SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER setting:


Then, you need Nginx to set the custom header in the reverse proxy. In the Nginx site settings:

location / {    # ...     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;}

This way request.scheme == 'https' and request.is_secure() returns True.request.build_absolute_uri() returns https://... and so on...

Here is the solution I've worked out so far. There are two parts, configuring nginx, and writing code for Django. The nginx part handles external requests, redirecting http pages to https, and the Django code handles internal URL generation that has an http prefix. (At least, those resulting from a HttpResponseRedirect()). Combined, it seems to work well - as far as I can tell, the client browser never sees an http page that the users didn't type in themselves.

Part one, nginx configuration

# nginx.conf# Redirects any requests on port 80 (http) to https:server {    listen       80;    server_name;    rewrite ^$request_uri? permanent;#    rewrite ^$uri permanent; # also works}# django pass-thru via uWSGI, only from https requests:server {    listen       443;    ssl          on;    ssl_certificate        /etc/ssl/certs/;    ssl_certificate_key    /etc/ssl/private/;    server_name;    location / {        uwsgi_pass;        include uwsgi_params;    }}

Part two A, various secure cookie settings, from

CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True # currently only in Dev branch of Django.

Part two B, Django code

# mysite.utilities.decorators.pyimport settingsdef HTTPS_Response(request, URL):    if settings.SERVER_TYPE == "DEV":        new_URL = URL    else:        absolute_URL = request.build_absolute_uri(URL)        new_URL = "https%s" % absolute_URL[4:]    return HttpResponseRedirect(new_URL)# views.pydef show_items(request):    if request.method == 'POST':        newURL = handle_post(request)        return HTTPS_Response(request, newURL) # replaces HttpResponseRedirect()    else: # request.method == 'GET'        theForm = handle_get(request)    csrfContext = RequestContext(request, {'theForm': theForm,})    return render_to_response('item-search.html', csrfContext)def handle_post(request):    URL = reverse('item-found') # name of view in    item = request.REQUEST.get('item')    full_URL = '%s?item=%s' % (URL, item)    return full_URL

Note that it is possible to re-write HTTPS_Response() as a decorator. The advantage would be - not having to go through all your code and replace HttpResponseRedirect(). The disadvantage - you'd have to put the decorator in front of HttpResponseRedirect(), which is in Django at I didn't want to modify Django's code, but that's up to you - it's certainly one option.

if you stick your entire site behind https, you don't need to worry about it on the django end. (assuming you don't need to protect your data between nginx and django, only between users and your server)