How to gracefully restart django running fcgi behind nginx? How to gracefully restart django running fcgi behind nginx? nginx nginx

How to gracefully restart django running fcgi behind nginx?

I would start a new fcgi process on a new port, change the nginx configuration to use the new port, have nginx reload configuration (which in itself is graceful), then eventually stop the old process (you can use netstat to find out when the last connection to the old port is closed).

Alternatively, you can change the fcgi implementation to fork a new process, close all sockets in the child except for the fcgi server socket, close the fcgi server socket in parent, exec a new django process in the child (making it use the fcgi server socket), and terminate the parent process once all fcgi connections are closed. IOW, implement graceful restart for runfcgi.

So I went ahead and implemented Martin's suggestion. Here is the bash script I came up with.

pid_file=/path/to/pidfileport_file=/path/to/port_fileold_pid=`cat $pid_file`if [[ -f $port_file ]]; then    last_port=`cat $port_file`    port_to_use=$(($last_port + 1))else    port_to_use=8000fi# Reset so me don't go up foreverif [[ $port_to_use -gt 8999 ]]; then    port_to_use=8000fised -i "s/$old_port/$port_to_use/g" /path/to/nginx.confpython runfcgi host= port=$port_to_use maxchildren=5 maxspare=5 minspare=2 method=prefork pidfile=$pid_fileecho $port_to_use > $port_filekill -HUP `cat /var/run/`echo "Sleeping for 5 seconds"sleep 5secho "Killing old processes on $last_port, pid $old_pid"kill $old_pid

I came across this page while looking for a solution for this problem. Everything else failed, so I looked in to the source code :)

The solution seems to be much simpler. Django fcgi server uses flup, which handles the HUP signal the proper way: it shuts down, gracefully. So all you have to do is to:

  1. send the HUP signal to the fcgi server (the pidfile= argument of runserver will come in handy)

  2. wait a bit (flup allows children processes 10 seconds, so wait a couple more; 15 looks like a good number)

  3. sent the KILL signal to the fcgi server, just in case something blocked it

  4. start the server again

That's it.