How to send RTP stream to Janus from NGINX RTMP module? How to send RTP stream to Janus from NGINX RTMP module? nginx nginx

How to send RTP stream to Janus from NGINX RTMP module?

I finally solved this problem with the following command :

sudo ffmpeg -y -i "rtmp://" -c:v libx264 -profile:v main -s 1920x1080 -an -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -g 50 -f rtp rtp://

Unfortunately, when I use -c:v copy, it doesn't work. It only works when encoding with libx264 which adds latency and I got between 3 and 4 seconds of latency.

However, when I installed Janus, my goal was to do better than with HLS, protocol with which I reach 2.5 seconds of latency.

So Janus did not meet my need. Moreover I was warned that it was not a stream server. After some research I came across Github on the Oven Media Engine project, a stream server that offers a latency of less than 1s. The documentation is complete on the dedicated site and a player (Oven Media Player) adapted to this server is available under MIT license. The server is under GPLv2 license.

Here is the current schema of my architecture :

OBS -> Nginx (which allows to allow streaming with on_publish, because OME doesn't allow it yet. The stream is then pushed to the OME server) -> OME -> Transcoding in different bitrate and resolution (optional) -> OME -> Edge OME (optional) -> player.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate, the support is very friendly !

Hope it helps

I don't have reputation. So I write answer.Thank you for your answerOven Media Engine is perfect solution to me.

OBS ->RTMP-> OME ->webrtc-> chrome possible

I have question.I try

ffmpeg -i rtmp:// -an -c:v libvpx -flags global_header -bsf dump_extra -f rtp rtp://

it work latency 500ms but i see little lag

ffmpeg -i rtmp:// -an -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -flags global_header -bsf dump_extra -f rtp rtp://

it work latency 2s i see often lag.

I know h246 is better than vp8.But in my case I am wondering if the vp8 worked better.

we need recording so use nginxHow to push nginx ->RTMP-> OMEpush$app/$name; not workpush; workwhat???

Do you solve problem?I try console"ffmpeg -i rtmp:// -an -c:v copy -flags global_header -bsf dump_extra -f rtp rtp://""sudo ffmpeg -i "rtmp://" -map 0:2 -c:v libx264 -profile:v main -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -f rtp rtp://"

I have same issue like you