How to set Secure attribute to Set-cookie in Nginx through nginx.conf file How to set Secure attribute to Set-cookie in Nginx through nginx.conf file nginx nginx

How to set Secure attribute to Set-cookie in Nginx through nginx.conf file

Remember to do add SameSite=none as well:

location /foo {    proxy_pass http://localhost:4000;    proxy_cookie_path /foo "/; SameSite=None; HTTPOnly; Secure";}



I had a look at this article

In order to use set_cookie_flag HttpOnly Secure; you need to build nginx from sources and while adding the path of the secure cookie additional module --add-module=/path/to/nginx_cookie_flag_module.

If you don't want to build nginx from sources, you can add only proxy_cookie_path / "/; HTTPOnly; Secure"; to your configuration.

Following the article, it should be enough.

Another alternative option is to:

  1. Go to this directory: "/etc/nginx/conf.d".

  2. Create an empty text file by the name of ssl.conf (As you see There is example_ssl.conf there).

  3. Add the below syntax in ssl.conf (or default.conf):

    server { proxy_cookie_path / "/; HTTPOnly; Secure";}

    note that the whole path "/" will be replaced. For example the directive "proxy_cookie_path /two/ /;" will rewrite “path=/two/one/uri/” to “path=/one/uri/”.

  4. Open /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and add following command:

    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/ssl.conf

  5. Restart the Nginx to see the results.