I use homebrew to install nginx, and how to add 3rd modules? I use homebrew to install nginx, and how to add 3rd modules? nginx nginx

I use homebrew to install nginx, and how to add 3rd modules?

The nginx-full brew formula has a number of options that enables you to install 3rd party modules.

See the output of brew info nginx-full.

E.g. the HttpHeadersMoreModule can be installed with the command

brew install nginx-full --with-headers-more-module

At this time (April 2018) nginx-full is deprecated by default. To install 3rd party modules:

  1. brew tap denji/nginx
  2. brew install nginx-full --with-nchan-module (or some other modules)

Right now, the current method for adding modules is to install by url.

brew install https://raw.github.com/marcqualie/homebrew-nginx/master/nginx.rb