I'm going CRAZY: ERROR: failed to load configuration file '/private/etc/php-fpm.conf' homebrew I'm going CRAZY: ERROR: failed to load configuration file '/private/etc/php-fpm.conf' homebrew nginx nginx

I'm going CRAZY: ERROR: failed to load configuration file '/private/etc/php-fpm.conf' homebrew

The php-fpm binary expects php-fpm.conf file to read the configuration when it starts up. On Mac OSX by default this file is named as "/private/etc/php-fpm.conf.default" Change/copy it to "php-fpm.conf" from "php-fpm.conf.default"

cp /private/etc/php-fpm.conf.default /private/etc/php-fpm.conf

And then restart the service

you can start by brew if you installed by brew.

  1. be sure closed php-fpm

    sudo killall php-fpm

  2. start by brew

    brew services start php