Kibana stuck on loading screen [UPDATE - Nginx only serving partial JS file] Kibana stuck on loading screen [UPDATE - Nginx only serving partial JS file] nginx nginx

Kibana stuck on loading screen [UPDATE - Nginx only serving partial JS file]

Since you're accessing Kibana behind a proxy, you'd need to bypass the proxy and see if the problem persists, i.e. compare the load times of

// through proxycurl -v kibana_host/bundles/commons.bundle.jscurl -v kibana_host/bundles/kibana.bundle.js// bypass proxycurl -v localhost:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.jscurl -v localhost:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js

If the load time is lower when you bypass the proxy then you know it's not a Kibana issue but more with the way your proxy is configured.


Since we've narrowed this down to a proxy issue, try to update your nginx config with this

sendfile_max_chunk 512kworker_processes 2


Try another modification of your nginx configuration:

proxy_buffering: off;