Kubernetes - Ingress with gRPC Kubernetes - Ingress with gRPC nginx nginx

Kubernetes - Ingress with gRPC

That error you encountered comes from the default configuration of the nginx ingress controller (this is taken from the ingress github config):

// Enables or disables the HTTP/2 support in secure connections// http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_v2_module.html// Default: trueUseHTTP2 bool `json:"use-http2,omitempty"`

This can be also verified by checking your ingress controller settings :

kubectl exec -it -n <name_space> <nginx_ingress_controller_pod> -- cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ## start server _   server {          server_name _ ;          listen 80 default_server reuseport backlog=511 ;          listen 443 default_server reuseport backlog=511 ssl http2 ;

You're trying to connect through port 80 for which there is no http2 support in default configuration. GRCP works only with http2 so you should try to make a request using port 443.

Let me know if it works.