Laravel + Homestead + Vagrant not working Laravel + Homestead + Vagrant not working nginx nginx

Laravel + Homestead + Vagrant not working

After add homestead box your first work is to clone repository :

git clone Homestead

And clone this to in folder where from you want to run your code or websites example :

if ~/Websites then:

cd ~/Websites

Then clone command, after clone cd Homestead run bash in Terminal it will make a folder in your root directory called .homestead where your Homestead.yaml file will. Edit Homestead file like this:

---ip: ""memory: 2048cpus: 1provider: virtualboxauthorize: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pubkeys:    - ~/.ssh/id_rsafolders:    - map: ~/Websites      to: /home/vagrant/Websitessites:    - map:      to: /home/vagrant/Websites/admin/publicdatabases:    - homestead# blackfire:#     - id: foo#       token: bar#       client-id: foo#       client-token: bar# ports:#     - send: 50000#       to: 5000#     - send: 7777#       to: 777#       protocol: udp

After edit add your ssh key using this command in terminal :

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "you@homestead"

Keygen should create files in .ssh folder in document root but if not then create folder .ssh then paste it from document root to ssh folder so you no need to edit Homestead.yaml file

When this done change directory to : cd ~/Websites/Homestead

Now run this :

vagrant up

If any edit in yaml file or Vagrantfile then run this :

vagrant reload --provisions

Maybe that should fix your issue otherwise something wrong with your PC :D

Don't forget to add this in /etc/hosts file :

If none of this helps you many want to check the Laravel documentation:

Laravel Documents