Laravel route() returning naked IP address instead of domain Laravel route() returning naked IP address instead of domain nginx nginx

Laravel route() returning naked IP address instead of domain

I understand, the question is very old, but I've had same problem and found the solution. (it can help someone)

Open file RouteServiceProvider on this path: app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php

Look for function mapWebRoutes. Now we have to add caller domain with config from our environment

protected function mapWebRoutes(){    Route::middleware('web')        ->namespace($this->namespace)        ->domain(\Config::get('app.url', null))        ->group(base_path('routes/web.php'));}

During building the url based on route - system tries to get local variable domain in current route, if it found - the domain should apply immediately. But if property undefined - go to Symfony route module.

PS: Don't forget to set APP_URL in your .env file.Example:


This is most likely down to your nginx configuration. If you only have your app configured on the server then it will act as the default. When you visit the server directly by it's IP address (or any other domain that links to your server) then nginx will serve the laravel app.

There are many approaches to deal with this. I would suggest to either configure a default for the server. This could be just a html page saying "congratulations you've reached the server" or something similar. The other is just reconfigure you app's nginx file to redirect anything that's not the correct domain to the domain name for you app.

server {    if ($host != {        return 301$request_uri;    }    listen 80;    server_name;}

More about how nginx processes a request here: