Nginx as reverse proxy and cache if backend sends a header Nginx as reverse proxy and cache if backend sends a header nginx nginx

Nginx as reverse proxy and cache if backend sends a header gives amongst others the following:

$sent_http_HEADERThe value of the HTTP response header HEADER when converted to lowercase andwith 'dashes' converted to 'underscores', e.g. $sent_http_cache_control, $sent_http_content_type...; $cookie_COOKIEThe value of the cookie COOKIE; 

if you combine that with an if block you could do something like:

if ($sent_http_your_added_header = "") {   proxy_cache your_cache_zone;}if ($cookie_BYPASS = "1") {  proxy_bypass $cookie_BYPASS;}

Note: you could actually forget about the if and just use $cookie_BYPASS if your BYPASS cookie has either a 1 or 0 value, see

as far cache times goes, as explains, nginx responds to “X-Accel-Expires”, “Expires” and "Cache-Control” headers (unless you tell it not to with proxy_ignore_headers directive)