NGINX brew install command not found NGINX brew install command not found nginx nginx

NGINX brew install command not found

run echo $PATH, does /usr/local/sbin appear?if not: Try sourcing your ~/.bashrc file and see if it appears: source ~/.bashrc

run echo $PATH again. It should apear.

I just install nginx by brewHome, and I find the path is /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.12.0/bin, so I just add export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.12.0/bin to the conf file, and it works well.


In my debian 6 server nginx is installed in /usr/sbin/ . If you want to access it directly from terminal add that directory to your PATH variable:


The sbin directories are commonly added to PATH for the root user, are you logged in the terminal as root ? If not you can do so by entering su command.