Nginx config for WSS Nginx config for WSS nginx nginx

Nginx config for WSS

I was able to put together a guide in Q&A format that shows you how to do all of this with NGINX modules, much easier ;)

NGINX to reverse proxy websockets AND enable SSL (wss://)?

You will need to rebuild NGINX and follow the config in the question above.

I have at least solved it for the short term by using stunnel (referring to this article:

Stunnel can convert HTTPS to HTTP and by that token WSS to WS. Nginx served the socket application running on 9000 port as usual:


[https]accept  = 443connect = 80 TIMEOUTclose = 0


#user  nobody;worker_processes  1;  error_log  logs/error.log;#error_log  logs/error.log  notice;#error_log  logs/error.log  info;#pid        logs/;events {    worker_connections  1024;}tcp {     upstream websockets {      ## Play! WS location       server;       check interval=3000 rise=2 fall=5 timeout=1000;     }        server {        listen 80;         listen 8000;        server_name;        tcp_nodelay on;         proxy_pass websockets;        proxy_send_timeout 300;    }        # virtual hosting     #include /usr/local/nginx/vhosts/*;}#http {##  server {#        listen 443 ssl;#        server_name;##        ssl_certificate      /usr/local/nginx/key/;#        ssl_certificate_key  /usr/local/nginx/key/;##        ssl_session_timeout  5m;##        ssl_protocols  SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1;#        ssl_ciphers  ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP;#        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers   on;##        location / {#            proxy_pass;#        }#  }#}

Now the only thing I need to worry about is how to increase the timeout for websockets on nginx, the connection seems to be breaking every 75 secs (default for nginx).