nginx module: capture whole response body nginx module: capture whole response body nginx nginx

nginx module: capture whole response body

My comment got too big to be a comment, but I don't feel like it's a proper answer - oh well.

To re-iterate, the problem with the code you've posted is that your module's body filter function won't be called on the whole chain at once. It gets called on the first piece, then the second piece, until the nth piece. Finally it gets called on a completely empty chain, for whatever reason the buf with last_buf = 1 is always by itself and empty.

So I think what you want to do is "dam" the flow of buffers by accumulating them in your module without releasing any to the next filter until you have all of them at once.

Check out the substitution filter module:

It uses a "busy" chain which is what I was referring to. From what I've been able to tell it uses it to keep track of which buffers have actually been sent (when this happens the size gets set to zero) and adds those to the module context's free list for re-use. See ngx_http_sub_output on line 438 for this behavior.

My suggestion was to do something like what that module does, except without calling the next filter until you have the entire page. You can't call next_filter if you want to process the entire page as a whole, since doing that will result in data getting sent to the client. Again this runs counter to Nginx's design, so I think you should find an alternative that doesn't require the whole response body at once if you can.