Nginx: Permission denied to Gunicorn socket on CentOS 7 Nginx: Permission denied to Gunicorn socket on CentOS 7 nginx nginx

Nginx: Permission denied to Gunicorn socket on CentOS 7

If all the permissions under the myproject_app folder are correct, and centos user or nginx group have access to the files, I would say it looks like a Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) issue.

I had a similar problem, but with RHEL 7. I managed to solve it by executing the following command:

sudo semanage permissive -a httpd_t

It's related to the security policies of SELinux, you have to add the httpd_t to the list of permissive domains.

This post from the NGINX blog may be helpful: NGINX: SELinux Changes when Upgrading to RHEL 6.6 / CentOS 6.6

Motivated by a similar issue, I wrote a tutorial a while ago on How to Deploy a Django Application on RHEL 7. It should be very similar for CentOS 7.

Most probably one of two

1- the directory is not accessible to nginx /home/centos/myproject_app/

$ ls -la /home/centos/myproject_app/

if it is not accessible try to change the path to /etc/nginxif not then try the command

$ /home/centos/myproject_app/django_env/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind unix:/home/centos/myproject_app/django.sock app.wsgi:application

if still not working then activate the environment and python runserver go to the browser and go to http://ip:8000 the problem may be here, but it the command of gunicorn worked well, then the problem in directory access for nginx user

Exact same problem here.

Removing Group=www-data fixed the issue for me