nginx reverse proxy - synology dsm issue nginx reverse proxy - synology dsm issue nginx nginx

nginx reverse proxy - synology dsm issue

Asked 3 years ago, but I had this month (Oct 2018) the same problem. Yes, it is a mess with hard-coded paths. Simple PassProxy/ProxyPassReverse is not working. I am no computer expert, not at all. I found this configuration somewhere on internet, among many, many other propositions, and as a miracle it was the only one that worked ... (Debian 9, Apache2). Slashes must be exactly in this way. You must call dsm as or I hardly know what exactly every configuration line does, and I don't dare delete anything. Let the gurus figure out ...

On my machine, I edited /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf but I suppose the script would work on any reverse-proxy server.

<VirtualHost *:80>ServerName your.local.server.nameServerAlias<Location /dsm/>ProxyPass http://your.synology.dsm:5000/ProxyPassReverse /ProxyHTMLEnable OnProxyHTMLURLMap /       /dsm/RequestHeader unset  Accept-EncodingOrder allow,denyAllow from all</Location></VirtualHost>