Nginx routing to several RESTful endpoints Nginx routing to several RESTful endpoints nginx nginx

Nginx routing to several RESTful endpoints

I am pretty sure you can use nginx proxy forwarding to re-route according to each of your several uri prefixes. I have used proxy forwarding with nginx. Your example I have adapted from a page that gives information specifically on uri prefixes (I have preserved the /foo entry from that page here for your comparison):

See also (noting difference of proxy_pass from proxy_redirect),

With your code, the locations would be something like:

server {listen          80;server_name;location /api/admin {  proxy_pass http://localhost:3200/;}location /api/customer {  proxy_pass http://localhost:3200/;}location /api/support {  proxy_pass http://localhost:3200/;}location /foo {  proxy_pass http://localhost:3200/;}


As the link I have provided mentions, note the forward slash at the end of each location directive that enables the wild carding after the prefix. And of course the urls to which each of the paths are redirected need not all be the same--localhost:3200--as they are in this example.