Nginx with memcache, gunzip and ssi don't working together Nginx with memcache, gunzip and ssi don't working together nginx nginx

Nginx with memcache, gunzip and ssi don't working together

There are basically two issues to consider — whether the order of the filter modules is appropriate, and whether gunzip works for your situation.

0. The order of gunzip/ssi/gzip.

A simple search for "nginx order of filter modules" reveals that the order is determined at the compile time based on the content of the auto/modules shell script:


    Multiple filters can hook into each location, so that (for example) a response can be compressed and then chunked. The order of their execution is determined at compile-time. Filters have the classic "CHAIN OF RESPONSIBILITY" design pattern: one filter is called, does its work, and then calls the next filter, until the final filter is called, and Nginx finishes up the response.


    The order of filters is derived from the order of execution of nginx modules. The order of execution of nginx modules is implemented within the file auto/modules in the nginx source code.

A quick glance at auto/modules reveals that ssi is between gzip and gunzip, however, it's not immediately clear which way the modules get executed (top to bottom or bottom to top), so, the default might either be reasonable, or, you may need to switch the two (which wouldn't necessarily be supported, IMHO).

One hint here is the location of the http_not_modified filter, which is given as an example of the If-Modified-Since handling on EMiller's guide above; I would imagine that it has to go last, after all the other ones, and, if so, then, indeed, it seems that the order of gunzip/ssi/gzip is exactly the opposite of what you need.

1. Does gunzip work?

As per, the following text is present in the documentation for the filter:

Enables or disables decompression of gzipped responses for clients that lack gzip support.

It is not entirely clear whether that the above statement should be construed as the description of the module (e.g., the clients lacking gzip support is why you might want to use this module), or whether it's the description of the behaviour (e.g., whether the module determines by itself whether or not gzip would be supported by the client). The source code at src/http/modules/ngx_http_gunzip_filter_module.c appears to imply that it simply checks whether the Content-Encoding of the reply as-is is gzip, and proceed if so. However, the next sentence in the docs (after the above quoted one) does appear to indicate that it has some more interaction with the gzip module, so, perhaps something else is involved as well.

My guess here is that if you're testing with a browser, then the browser DOES support gzip, hence, it would be reasonable for gunzip to not engage, hence, the SSI module would never have anything valid to process. This is why I suggest you determine whether the gunzip works properly and/or differently between doing simple plain-text requests through curl versus those made by the browser with the Accept-Encoding that includes gzip.


Depending on the outcome of the investigation as above, I would try to determine the order of the modules, and, if incorrect, there's a choice whether recompiling or double-proxying would be the solution.

Subsequently, if the problem is still not fixed, I would ensure that gunzip filter would unconditionally do the decompression of the data from memcached; I would imagine you may have to ignore or reset the Accept-Encoding headers or some such.