php-cgi.exe quits after exactly 500 hits php-cgi.exe quits after exactly 500 hits nginx nginx

php-cgi.exe quits after exactly 500 hits

I finally figured it out. Maybe it was simple enough that I couldn't find the solution.



to the command file that launches the php-cgi.exe fixed it. I guess it defaults (when not set) to 500 hits before FCGI is killed.

Obviously, there are good reasons for this and as GargantuChet has suggested, settings things up correctly and letting the instances of PHP managed and auto-spawn is a better way to go...but for people who want a quick windows development environment, this can solve some problems.

The selected answer works, but doesn't allow the CGI server to shut down every so often (after 500 hits in the OPs case).

Like the OP and others mentioned, this shutdown is necessary in a production environment to curtail memory leaks.

In Windows, another solution is to create a batch file that looks like this:

:start    php-cgi -b    goto start

This will allow the shutdown that was designed to occur, and will almost immediately start php-cgi again.

unvisible EXE file that will LOOP-RUN php-cgi.exe with passing it own command-line params,can be easily compiled in, for example, ms-VCpp6 (phpCgiExeLoop.exe ~28kb):

#include <windows.h>#include <Shellapi.h>#include "stdio.h"int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,                     LPSTR     lpCmdLine,      int       nCmdShow){   while (1)    {   SHELLEXECUTEINFO shExInfo = {0};        shExInfo.cbSize = sizeof(shExInfo);        shExInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS;   shExInfo.hwnd = 0;        shExInfo.lpVerb = "open";            // Operation to perform        shExInfo.lpFile = "php-cgi.exe";     // Application to start            shExInfo.lpParameters = lpCmdLine;   // Additional parameters        shExInfo.lpDirectory = 0;            shExInfo.nShow = SW_HIDE;        shExInfo.hInstApp = 0;          if (ShellExecuteEx(&shExInfo))        {   WaitForSingleObject(shExInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);            CloseHandle(shExInfo.hProcess);        }    }    return 0;}

and running "phpCgiExeLoop -b" instead of "php-cgi.exe -b" win-support php creators intention (avoiding possible memory-leaks).