PHP-FPM breaks up stack trace log into separate events PHP-FPM breaks up stack trace log into separate events nginx nginx

PHP-FPM breaks up stack trace log into separate events

Unfortunately not

PHP-FPM simply logs each line of PHP output as a separate event. There's nothing you can do in/with PHP-FPM to change this.

PHP Code

You'll need to "fix" this in your application (PHP code). There are 3 ways you can influence the way PHP reports errors, and you'll probably want to use all 3:

  • Register a custom error handler with set_error_handler(). This handler is called on all errors except E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_CORE_WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_WARNING, and most of E_STRICT raised in the file where set_error_handler() is called.

  • Register a custom exception handler with set_exception_handler(). This handler is called when an uncaught exception occurs.

  • Register a custom shutdown function with register_shutdown_function(). This function is called after script execution finishes or exit() is called. This one is useful for detecting errors that are not handled with the error handler.

Log library

I can advise you to have a look at Monolog. It's a PSR-3 complaint logging library which also facilitates what I described above.

In addition it has an impressive list of "handlers" which can write the logs to all sorts of services. Chances are the service you're using now is among them!


Another option is to create a proxy script that will read the PHP-FPM log files and buffers lines until a "full event" is gathered. Then writing that as a single entry to the service you're using.

I would advise you not to go this way. Writing such a script can be tricky and is very error-prone. Logging from your application itself is much more stable and reliable.