Rails Domain Constraints ( to serve multiple domains ) Rails Domain Constraints ( to serve multiple domains ) nginx nginx

Rails Domain Constraints ( to serve multiple domains )

With the fine help of the great people in #RubyOnRails on irc I got this figured out. So thanks crankharder and sevenseacat for your input and advice.

What I ended up with was this:

class DomainConstraint  def initialize(domain)    @domains = domain  end  def matches?(request)    @domains.include? request.host  endend


require 'domain_constraint'Rails.application.routes.draw do  constraints DomainConstraint.new('api.project.dev') do    resources :statuses    root :to => 'statuses#index', as: 'api_root'  end  constraints DomainConstraint.new('admin.api.project.dev') do    resources :statuses    root :to => 'statuses#new'  endend

You can also constrain a route based on any method on the Request object that returns a String. http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#request-based-constraints

The methods available to Request include host, which could be used as follows:

  constraints host: 'api.project.dev' do    resources :statuses    root to: 'statuses#index', as: 'api_root'  end  constraints host: 'admin.api.project.dev' do    resources :statuses    root to: 'statuses#new'  end