React & nginx routing to subdirectory React & nginx routing to subdirectory nginx nginx

React & nginx routing to subdirectory

I was struggling with the same problem. Finally I was able to solve it using official documentation and a combination of answers:


  • Your React App is based on create-react-app package (you are using react-router-dom).
  • You are using Nginx and the root path is being used by another service (or even another React/Gatsby App which is my case).
  • You want to deploy the React App on a subdirectory and be able to serve all statics of your React App from that subdirectory.

React App Changes:

Based on official documentation.

  1. Update your BrowserRouter by adding a basename. Example: <BrowserRouter history={history} basename="/webapp">.
  2. Specify a homepage on your package.json. Example: "homepage": "/webapp".
  3. If you are referencing a static file by it's relative path, you should add the subdirectory to that reference. Example: src="/static/logo/logo.png" becomes src="/webapp/static/logo/logo.png".

Nginx Changes:

location ^~ /webapp {   alias /var/www/myapp/build;   try_files $uri $uri/ /webapp/index.html;}

Here is an example of nginx location configuration:

location ^~ /analytics  {    alias /var/www/myapp/build;    subs_filter href="/ href=";    subs_filter src="/ src=";}
  • The location is set to ^~ /analytics , meaning that the rules created in the location braces will become effective when somebody visits
  • The alias is set to the static build folder of create-react-app site /var/www/myapp/build. That’ll be served when the visitor hits your subdirectory url
  • Next, the two subs_filter lines replace any reference to href and src urls that start with the React app’s home directory / with the new complete URL. That will ensure all your CSS and JS files are located and served correctly by NGINX.

The final thing, in the case of Create-React-App is that any references to createBrowserHistory in your react router need to be replaced by createHashHistory, as Browser History won’t work with the above NGINX configuration.

My website is called and I wanted to serve a react app I made at

I got this working by doing the following:

  1. Added "homepage": "/metronome", to the package.json file
  2. If you are using react router, add <BrowserRouter basename="/your_subdirectory">, in my case:
<BrowserRouter basename="/metronome">    <div>        <nav>            <Link to="/"></Link>        </nav>        <Switch>            <Route exact path="/" component={Metronome} />        </Switch>    </div></BrowserRouter>
  1. yarn run build
  2. I uploaded the contents of the build directory to this location on my server /var/www/
  3. This is what my server block /etc/nginx/sites-available/ looks like
server {    listen 443 ssl;    server_name;    ssl_certificate /home/derek/ssl/derekdawsonspersonalwebsite.com_chain.crt;    ssl_certificate_key /home/derek/ssl/derekdawsonspersonalwebsite.com_tld.key;    location / {        root /var/www/;        index index.html;    }    location /metronome {        root /var/www/;        index index.html;    }}server {    listen 80 default_server;    server_name;    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;}