Recompiling Nginx Recompiling Nginx nginx nginx

Recompiling Nginx

You are right, make just do the linking and compilation, while make install will install it on the system

You don't need to have a downtime. You compile and replace the executable.Then you trigger nginx to spawn a new master.The process is explained here:

New Version - Master - start:kill -s USR2 `cat /var/run/`Old Version - Worker - stop:kill -s WINCH `cat /var/run/`Old Version - Master - stop:kill -s QUIT `cat /var/run/`

If you want to go back to the older version:

Old Version - Worker - start:kill -s HUP `cat /var/run/`New Version - Master - stop:kill -s QUIT `cat /var/run/`

If you get an error that the file cannot be replaced your compile options are wrong.
