Ruby On Rails : Mailer : Sidekiq - asset path not valid in email : Engineyard : Nginx : Passenger Ruby On Rails : Mailer : Sidekiq - asset path not valid in email : Engineyard : Nginx : Passenger nginx nginx

Ruby On Rails : Mailer : Sidekiq - asset path not valid in email : Engineyard : Nginx : Passenger

I was facing the same issue. The problem was that I wasn't compiling assets on the sidekiq server, so there wasn't a manifest there.

A change in Capistrano from:task :compile_assets, roles: :app, primary: true do

to:task :compile_assets, roles: [:app, :processor], primary: true do

fixed it in my personal case.

Note: As a temp fix / Best solution still seeking

Since sidekiq had been facing issues with serving static assets stored as assets/images/logo.png.

Expected Asset URL:


so I actually moved the static asset files that I may need in email to public/images directory. Now instead of Rails app, Nginx serves the assets.Now its working

My latest finding (doubt) : I doubt that my Chef cookbooks are unable to start the sidekiq and corresponding Rails instance for sidekiq in production / staging environment.

I am a Team Lead for Engine Yard. If you could open a ticket we could investigate a bit more on your behalf.

