Sticky session for ASP.NET Core on Kubernetes deployment Sticky session for ASP.NET Core on Kubernetes deployment nginx nginx

Sticky session for ASP.NET Core on Kubernetes deployment

Found out that I made two logical mistakes:

  1. Sticky sessions doesn't work this way

I assumed that Kubernetes will look into the cookie and create some mapping of cookie hashes to pods. But instead, another session is generated and append to our http header. is only the name of those generated cookie. So per default, it's not required to change them.

  1. Scope to the right object

The annotations must be present on the ingress, NOT the deployment (stupid c&p mistake)

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: Ingressmetadata:  name: myapp-k8s-ingress  annotations: nginx "cookie" sha1spec:  tls:  - hosts:    - myapp-k8s.local  rules:  - host: myapp-k8s.local    http:      paths:      - path: /        backend:          serviceName: myapp-svc          servicePort: 80

This works as expected.