The header sent by Postman is not received in the PHP script The header sent by Postman is not received in the PHP script nginx nginx

The header sent by Postman is not received in the PHP script

I don’t think that you can use an underscore in the header name of a custom header as it’s a feature that’s disabled by default. More information can be found here

You could test this out by removing this from the header name.

Seems to be old thread;I had same issue with new version of PostMan; Old version works fine (with USER and PW parameters).

NOT A RESOLUTION AN ALTERNATIVE TO MOVE ON (before it is resolved at PostMan's end):An Odd and Quick solutions is to add a new variable in Header (e.g. username and password: which will be sent as HTTP_USERNAME and HTTP_PASSWORD)...else you have to configure the .htaccess file, check PHP ini and WebServer (Apache/IIS)