Windows Integrated Authentication with Mono Windows Integrated Authentication with Mono nginx nginx

Windows Integrated Authentication with Mono

You are right, this will not work the way you expect it since that particular configuration of the Web.config is handled by IIS on windows.

I will describe two alternatives.

1- apache mod_auth_kerb

You can put your application behind an apache proxy that uses mod_auth_kerb. The setup is very complicated the first time. You have to generate a keytab file with a service account from a windows machine joined to the domain and then copy it to the linux machine.

This is an example configuration:

ProxyPass        / http://localhost:9005/ #your backendProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:9005/ #your backendProxyPreserveHost On## Rewrite rulesRewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+)RewriteRule . - [E=RU:%1]## Request header rules## as per set X-Forwarded-User %{RU}e<Location />   AuthName "Kerberos Login"   AuthType Kerberos   Krb5Keytab /path/to your keytab/HTTP.keytab   KrbAuthRealm DOMAIN.LOC   KrbMethodNegotiate on   KrbSaveCredentials off   KrbVerifyKDC off   KrbServiceName HTTP/YOURAPP.AD2008R2.LOC   Require valid-user</Location> 

This will proxy to your application and it will just append an extra header X-Forwarded-User with the username.

Then, if you need the full profile you will have to query active directory using .Net classes.

2- using an authentication broker

There are few authentication brokers that support this scenario and abstract you from the configuration.

Disclaimer: I work for Auth0

The setup with Auth0 is; your application see Auth0 as an OAuth identity provider, and on Auth0 you configure the connection to AD. The setup of AD, requires to deploy an msi to a server joined to the domain.