Are there any module that works like django admin in Nodejs? Are there any module that works like django admin in Nodejs? node.js node.js

Are there any module that works like django admin in Nodejs?

Express Admin is very similar to how the Django admin looks.

It's really a light weight solution and it's definitely not a framework but at least you can easily create an admin panel for your database.

Keystone JS is a framework that creates an admin UI. So you can manage there the content and users. It is built on Express. Maybe it is what you need...

I was looking into this again today and came across Strapi which looks quite promising. I'm going to play around with it, and am also looking forward to their 3.0 release which is planned for this year.

It's a shame there isn't a more solid solution. I constantly find myself wishing I was building a Django application because the admin panel makes development and administration so much easier. The problem is that with all frameworks, Django is not a good solution for some applications. With that, the search continues for a flexible, robust admin panel for Node. Perhaps Strapi is what I've been waiting for.