Cannot find module 'puppeteer' Cannot find module 'puppeteer' node.js node.js

Cannot find module 'puppeteer'

You have to install your module with save flag before uploading your zip to Amazon :

npm i puppeteer --save

npm i --save puppeteer results in a too big package. (Max 50MB for Lambdas.)

So, instead, puppeteer was installed with npm i --save-dev puppeteer --ignore-scripts. (Ignore scripts to prevent Chromium from being installed.) The serverless-webpack plugin had to be told to ignore puppeteer in its packaging. (Otherwise puppeteer would bloat the package.)

The puppeteer module was put in a Layer (in the folder structure mentioned in the question) and require('puppeteer') now works.

Try running your script by forcing the environment variable $NODE_PATH. Such as:

NODE_PATH=/opt/nodejs/node_modules /path/to/bin/node your-file.js

For a specific reason I had to build from source a version of node without affecting the currently installation and this workaround worked for me.

I've got to this solution based on the following question here.