Cannot uninstall webpack from react-script Cannot uninstall webpack from react-script node.js node.js

Cannot uninstall webpack from react-script

Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add this line SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true inside the file.

then try to run yarn start.

To solve this issue I had to uninstall webpack and webpack-dev-server from the node-modules folder and then install them again but with different versions.

  1. Open cmd on the node-modules folder outside of your project folder

  2. Uninstall webpack and webpack-dev-server:

    npm uninstall webpacknpm uninstall webpack-dev-server
  3. Delete the node-modules folder and the package-lock.json file from your project's folder.

  4. Open the node-modules again

    npm install webpack@4.19.1npm install webpack-dev-server@3.1.9
  5. Use this command on your project folder

    npm install

It did the trick for me, hope it helps you too.

One solution I had was to go to my "Home" folder and delete the node_modulesfolder and package-lock.json file.

Worked afterwards.