Can't set Breakpoints debugging Node Typescript in VS Code Can't set Breakpoints debugging Node Typescript in VS Code node.js node.js

Can't set Breakpoints debugging Node Typescript in VS Code

In order to debug typescript you need to generate sourcemap files. Make sure the following is in your tsconfig.json, you should see files generated in your build directory.

{  "compilerOptions": {    "sourceMap": true  }}

With gulp-typescript:

gulp-typescript suggests that gulp-sourcemaps should be used to generate source maps.

This is the gulp task I got working creating files that breaks on breakpoints. Found in this gulp-typescript issue

var gulp = require('gulp');var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');var path = require('path');var ts = require('gulp-typescript');gulp.task('compile', () => {    tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json');    let tsResult = tsProject.src()        .pipe(sourcemaps.init())        .pipe(tsProject());    tsResult.js        .pipe(sourcemaps.write({          sourceRoot: function (file) {            var sourceFile = path.join(file.cwd, file.sourceMap.file);            return path.relative(path.dirname(sourceFile), file.cwd);          }        }))        .pipe(gulp.dest('build'));});

Since updating VS Code I could no longer debug applications.

By downloading 1.23 I was able to debug again.

Please see the answer posted here:

How to downgrade vscode

Also here:

Visual Studio Code - Node debugger breakpoints not being hit